The issue begins with Gregory and the members that deserted Rick's army returning to The Hilltop.
While explaining to The Hilltop community his version of events, Gregory accuses Maggie of knowing Rick and Jesus' plan the whole time. It seems as if he's trying to paint her as a villain.
Gregory tries to convince the group to try to rectify the agreement with Negan and The Saviors. He believes this is the only way to survive the war.
Maggie takes a stand against Gregory, and gives a heartfelt speech about why they should stand with the other communities against Negan.
Michonne arrive back at The Alexandria Safe Zone to help Carl prepare for an attack from The Saviors. Carl has stepped up and become a leader while his father is at war.
There's a pretty long montage of war scenes with Ezekiel's thoughts over the panels.
The battle started off great but ended badly. A lot of his men died during the battle. Not only did they have to deal with The Saviors, but the situation was complicated with zombies.
Eventually, Ezekiel manages to escape into the woods by himself but is met by a group of zombies. Shiva, his tiger, rescued him but was overwhelmed by zombies during the process.
The issue ends with Ezekiel making it back to The Alexandria Safe Zone, and telling Michonne about the battle.
Random Thoughts
It was very touching to see Maggie proclaim her belief in Rick's leadership. I thought their relationship was on the rocks since Glenn's death, and her deciding to move to The Hilltop.
I think it's time for Gregory to be eaten by zombies. He is awfully annoying beyond belief.
The issue begins with Negan feeling triumphant about his new hostage, Holly. He has mistaken her for Andrea and plans to use her as leverage against Rick. Holly rain's on his parade by letting him know he's sadly mistaken.
It seems that the virus that has infected the entire human race doesn't effect animals. Ezekiel's tiger, Shiva, eats walkers without any signs of infection.
Rick plans to send Michonne and few others back to the community to prepare for a counter-attack from The Saviors.
Rick's army is going to split into two groups, and attack Negan's outpost. Hopefully, their communicate has broken down, and Rick's attacks will catch them off guard.
When Negan's group tries to start clearing walkers they realize they are severely out numbered, and have to retreat.
A Savior named David tries to rape Holly. Negan catches David before he's able to go through with his sexual assault, and stabs him in the neck. Negan has strict rules about rape. He feels strongly about sexual crimes. As usual he tries to use the one of few redeeming qualities he has to paint himself as a sane and rational person.
Randoms Thoughts
Negan is something else. As horrible as he is, there are moments that you can't help but laugh at his speeches.
As of now it seems that Rick's group has the upper hand in the war. It really depends on if Dwight followed Negan's orders to send word to the outpost. Nothing has been revealed about that situation. Negan looks like he has his back up against the wall.
Negan: "The fastest way to a man's heart is through his vagina."
Gregory over estimated how many of his people made up Rick's army. Only eight people decided to leave after Negan's threat. Of course this pisses Negan off, so he kicks Gregory of the balcony.
Rick gives Negan another chance to accept the offer. Negan's response was snipers opening fire on Rick's army.
Negan orders Dwight to assemble a team to sneak out the back and get support from the out posts.
Rick instructs the gunners to shoot all the windows out. This cause a great deal noise which begins to attract masses of walkers. Rick's army loads back up the bus to leave, and Rick tries to ram their gate open. If successful The Savior's camp will be surrounded by zombies in no time.
Holly decide to deviate from the plan and try to help Rick open the gates. Rick tries to turn her around, because he doesn't think Negan will kill him - - because it's all a game in Negan's twisted mind. Holly knees Rick in the stomach, takes the truck, and races toward the gate.
Holly successfully burst threw the gate, but is injured from the impact. Negan takes her hostage.
The rest of the army get to a safe haven and are celebrating. When Michonne realizes Rick stayed back she panics.
Rick approaches the army from a top of a hill and reminds them they haven't won the war, and it's not time to celebrate.
Random Thoughts
I really do hope Gregory broke a bone when Negan kicked him off the balcony. His cowardice actions got him and his people no where - - no progress. What makes it worse he tries to hide who he really is. If you're coward be a proud coward. (Be like Samwell Tarly of A Game of Thrones.)
I am absolutely dying to see what decision Dwight make. Did he follow Negan's order? Or is he really on Rick's side?
This issue begins with the characters waking up the morning of their planned attack.
Rick confesses to Andrea that he isn't sure how this is going to turn out. He also feels a lot of pressure since Jesus told him he's the key to all of this. Without Rick none of this would be possible, and everyone looks to him for leadership.
Ezekiel and Michonne are 'hooking up ' now.
Eugene, and a few others, have been working through the night to make as many cases of ammo.
Rick calls a meeting before the assembly and attack The Saviors. They go over the plan again and try to find an holes or possible weakness.
Andrea and Carl stay at the community for protection measures. Andrea is still recovering from he fight in the bell tower.
When Rick's army reaches The Savior's community Rick shoots a few rounds to get their attention. Negan is pissed and surprised. Rick tries to offer a peace agreement - - The Savior stop raiding the communities supplies, Negan and his soldier surrender themselves, and no war is necessary.
Negan refuses the offer and has an ace in the hole - - Gregory (The Hilltop's leader). It's clear Negan has force his hand. He tells the residents of The Hilltop that if they attack they will no longer accepted in the community. And their families will suffer and be kicked out of the community as well.
Random Thoughts
I really enjoyed how Kirkman wrote in a throw back quote from the prison. When Rick told Negan, "..You kill and you die." I relived the scene of him beating Thomas to a bloody pulp and hanging him.
Rick: "Once, a long time ago, I made a rule.... I think maybe it's time to finally stick to it. YOU KILL AND YOU DIE."
This volume starts off with Maggie's daily life at The Hilltop. She visits Glenn's grave three times a day, and get check-ups from the town doctor. The pregnancy seems to be going as well as expected.
Sophia doesn't like living at The Hilltop. She wants to go 'home'.
Jesus sneaks into The Hilltop to have a secretive conversation with Maggie. Rick wants her to know that they are planning an attack on Negan, but it needs to remain a secret. They would like her to keep an eye on Gregory, making sure he doesn't talk to Negan's people and ruin the plan. (This should be easy enough since Gregory is sweet on Maggie.)
Carl over hears Rick talking to Andrea about the plan to take down Negan. He tries to force/convince his dad to let him join the cause. But surprisingly, Rick was going to tell him and wants his help. He recognized he can no longer treat Carl like a little kid.
When Rick tells Michonne the real planned she's hurt that he lied to her, and didn't trust her. He explained that he didn't know if she could keep her cool in front of Negan. Michonne confesses to Rick that despite popular belief she's ready to put down her sword. She's tired of fighting.
The community's supply is low and they are anticipating a visit from The Saviors.
Spencer confronts Rick and blames him for the situation the community is in. He thinks Rick is being a coward by not taking a stand against The Saviors.
Jesus takes Maggie to The Hilltop's blacksmith and requests he make her a knife.
Jesus was suppose to meet up with Kal after he rounded up some people for the attack on Negan. Unfortunately, Kal disappeared before Jesus had a chance to meet back up with him.
It is suspected Kal has gone to warn Negan and The Saviors.
Rick lets Eugene in on the plan, but Eugene is hesitant. He didn't think his bullets would be used to kill people. He thought it would be used as offering to The Saviors, or just shooting walkers.
Rick gathers some of the people to go on a 'supply run', but they are actually going to The Kingdom.
Jesus catches up to Kal, but he's already shot a flare signaling a meeting The Saviors. When The Saviors arrive they are still arguing about what's best for The Hilltop. Thankfully Kal came around and did not expose the plan.
Rick's group make it to The Kingdom successfully. Everyone is caught off guard by 'King Ezekiel's' theatrics. Michonne isn't standing for one second. When Ezekiel tried to kiss her hand she pull her Katana on him.
During the feast at The Kingdom Ezekiel and Michonne get to know each other better. Surprisingly they get a long great and have a few things in common.
Rick and Jesus are keeping the plans to attack Negan quiet not only to prevent him from finding out, but to give the people who aren't involved a chance to deny any involvement.
Once the group from The Hilltop returned to The Kingdom training began and more plans were made.
Negan and The Savior arrive at Rick's community ahead a schedule. Since Rick was on a 'supply run' Negan thought it'll be best if they wait until he returns. He ordered Olivia to show them to the vacant houses in the neighborhood.
Spencer to the opportunity of Negan being at the community to try throw Rick under the bus. He tried to convince Negan to kill Rick, because he's not trustworthy. At first you think Negan is receptive to the idea but out of know where he tells Spencer, "You've have no guts." and slices stomach. Obviously Negan didn't like Spencer's sneaky approach.
Rick's reaction to Spencer's death was expected. He was livid and barely calmed down when Negan explained the situation.
As Negan and The Saviors leave Rick's community, Andrea races to the bell tower and takes out the driver of the truck. Rick and a few other chase after the truck and attack it. Negan was completely taken by surprise. However, Negan prepare for this situation. He had his snipers open fire on Rick group. Negan revealed he never come alone and tells Rick he's FUCKED.
Meanwhile in the bell tower, a Savior sneaks up on Andrea.
It looks like Negan is about to hit Rick with his barbed wire bat, but Carl shoots the bat which startles Negan. This send him into a rage and demands Carol be sent outside for punishment.
Negan wants to kill Carl to break Rick. Since the community will not give Carl up, Negan decides he's going to kill the other three people who rushed attacked the van with Rick.
Andrea and The Savior struggle on top of the bell tower. For a while he had the advantage, but she managed to get a knife and deliver a few good blows. But he backed her to the window sea,l and just as she slits his throat it appears as if she is pushed out of the window. Good news, she didn't. Somehow she managed to throw The Savior out of the window.
Negan decides to play a game. If any of the hostages has the guts to name someone that should die they'll be allow to live. No one participates, so Negan decide to choose by playing any many miny moe . . . again.
Fortunately, Jesus arrives and throws a monkey wrench into his plan. Jesus manages to dodge dozens of bullets and make it to Negan and smash Lucille in his face. Then Jesus holds Negan hostage and makes everyone freeze.
Negan tries to negotiate with Jesus, but before he can response Shiva (Ezekiel's tiger) attacks The Saviors. In the heat of the moment everyone scramble, which gave The Saviors a chance to run away. Rick and Jesus wanted to go after them, but Ezekiel thinks it's unwise because they aren't prepared.
Carl and Rick have a nice father/son moment after the heat has died down. Rick lets Carl know how proud he is of his performance.
The volume closes with The Savior retreat back to their camp. Everyone is a little disheveled and wondering what the next move is. Negan decides to declare war.
Random Thoughts
I think it's an awful shame Gregory cannot be trusted. I understand Negan is a horrible person, but to be so cowardly should be a crime.
I thought the this conversation between Ezekiel and Michonne was really cute. I think they fit each other just perfect. He could bring her out of the shell she's built around her.
It's cool to see Michonne sleep with her katana in her hands. Unexpected? No, but cool to see it illustrated.
Every time Negan goes into a speech about how reasonable he is I want to tear the page out of the comic book.
Negan: "You may think this is an inanimate object. An inconsequential piece of wood wrapped carefully with barbed wire.... Not something to be cherished. And you'd be dead fucking wrong. This is a lady. . . But at times, yeah. . she ain't so nice... Truth is..Lucille is a bitch. But she's my bitch. This bitch has saved my life more times than I can remember. She's the only bitch I've ever truly loved. If I could... I'd fuck her. And yes.. That means in my most private of moments I've probably rubbed my dick against her. I'm not ashamed to admit it."
The volume opens up with Monroe kicking zombie ass and following The Savior the community released.
Rick is dealing with back lash from Andrea and Carl about his decision to surrender to Negan. He tells Andrea the truth to prevent her from moving out.
Negan and The Saviors arrive at the community. He tells Rick that they wont take any of their food, because he needs them to survive to continue supplying The Saviors. During the 'raid' Negan is verbally abusive to Rick.
Carl sneaks into one of Negan's trucks before The Saviors leave and go along for the ride with an assault rifle.
After Negan's visit the community is terrified and not sure if surrendering was the best choice.
Monroe is seen following Dwight, The Savior Rick's group let go, when he approached one of The Savior's outposts. The Saviors try to take Monroe hostage, but before they can return to the outpost he unties himself and escapes.
When The Saviors get back to their camp and unload the truck they discover Carl. He immediately opens up fires and demand to see Negan. After a few deaths Carl is overtaken and Negan decides to show him around their camp.
When Negan enters into the community area everyone stops and kneels before him, until he instructs otherwise.
Negan has several wives. They are exempt from the point system. Once Negan has decided to 'offer' a woman position as his wife, she must be faithful to him and branded (like cattle). He makes them walk around in their underwear, even in front of the entire camp.
Eugene tells Rick about the ammunition plan he and Abe were working on before The Savior's first attack.
As 'punishment' Negan asks Carl to take off his eye bandage. Negan's response was very insensitive and made Carl cry a bit. Negan also requested him to sing him and 'Lucille' a song: he sang 'You are My Sunshine'. (Negan is weird, creepy, and crazy.)
Normally Negan punishes people who break the rules by placing a burning hot iron to their face.
Rick has discovered that Carl is missing and set out to find him.
Spencer seems to be over critical of Rick's decision making. It seems that he is a bit jealous Andrea chose to be with Rick instead of him.
Jesus/Monroe returns to Rick's community to let him know about The Savior's camp. Rick suspected Carl was with Negan, but it was confirmed when Monroe said he heard gun fire. Abe's assault rifle was missing.
Even though it's the middle of the night: Rick, Andrea, Michonne, and Monroe decide to go to The Savior's camp.
Before the group arrive at Negan's town they are trying to plan a way to get Carl out. Rick says that he's going to knock on the front gate. He doesn't think Negan wants a war. Plus the camp's too big, they'd probably be spotted before the find Carl.
As they are approaching The Savior's camp the run into Negan's caravan.
Negan baits Rick by pretending he's harmed Carl. Rick immediately deviates from the original plan and goes bat shit crazy. Rick head butts, bites, punches. . . .throws down with Negan. Once the scuffle is over he brings Carl out, who's fine. Negan admitted he was toying with him and takes the blame for the situation getting out of hand.
Eugene, Rosita, and Holly have found the store that has all the material they need to produce their own ammunition.
Rick is still trying to convince the community he made the right decision by cooperating with The Savior's. (Of course he is trying to keep things calm while he executes his other plan.)
Michonne tries to seduce Heath because she know he and Denise (Dr. Cloyd) are on the outs. However, he turns her down firmly but gently. He understands that she is lonely, but advises her to let her guard down around the rest of the community.
Since Negan made Carl take off his bandage he hasn't put one back on, even though he's back home. He's dealing with his injury pretty well, but still has breaks down every now and then. While clearing walker with Michonne he was almost bitten because he didn't see the walker in his spot.
Jesus decides to take Rick to meet Ezekiel, the leader of a community named The Kingdom.
Ezekiel agrees to help Rick launch and assault on The Saviors.
While Rick and Jesus are meeting with Ezekiel, one of Negan's men appear at the Kingdom - - Dwight. Dwight tells Rick that he hates Negan and can be an asset in taking him down. Of course Rick is very skeptical.
To convince Rick, Dwight explained how Negan took his wife for himself. Negan caught Dwight and Sherry together and punished him with an iron to the face.
This volumes ends with Dwight promising the three men that he will help end Negan's reign.
Random Thoughts
Negan's such an asshole. He calls Rick "Prick".
Carl's a bad ass. The TV show version has nothing on the comic book version. Granted, in this universe Carl has been through a significant amount more trauma. I can't wait to see how the TV show writers are going to really transform Carl.
The Savior are weird. I understand most people would want to be in the dominant group, but what good is it if it ran in a totalitarian manner. These people brutally raid other communities, and still have earn points within their own camp to earn the loot they've stolen. And this system was arbitrarily decided by asshole of the century, Negan.
If you ever seen the TV series Prison break you will completely understand how Negan treats other people when it comes to his bat, Lucille. T-Bag use to make his 'bitches' hold on to his pants pocket. It was meant to be a sign of submission, and humiliate the submissive.
Ugh I cannot say enough about Negan. He's sense of humor mixed with is asshole-ness makes me gag.
Negan: "You think I've got all these little communities at my feet because I roam the countryside bashing Asian-American skulls? That's no fucking way to make friends. Everyone toes the line because I provide them a service. I keep them safe. We're The Saviors, not the kill your friends so you don't fucking like us at all."