The Volume opens up with a scene ofthe group on the road scavenging the cars for supplies. Andrea finds a van with mattresses in the back. (Of course this is very exciting for everyone.)
Rick is STILL "talking" to Lori on his disconnected phone.
Andrea goes in the woods to check on the twins. She finds one twin kneeling over the other with a bloody knife. It's quite obvious he gutted his brother.The little boy's response was, "Don't worry, he's going to come back." (In the previous volume there is a scene that is easily overlooked. One of the twins is playing with a dead cat while the other one watches.Looking back this is obviously foreshadowing.)
The group has a discussion about what to do with Ben. Abe obviously thinks he's a liability and danger to the group. He hints at killing the boy, which upsets and shocks most of the group.
While having the discussion a preacher, named Gabriel Stokes approaches the group.
While everyone sleeps Carl sneaks into the van where the group is holding Ben. Ben asks Carl if he is afraid of him. Carl say no, then you hear a gun shot. Next thing you see is everyone discovering Ben's dead body, but Carl's no where to be found.
As the group gets back on the road, on the way to D.C., it is revealed that a couple of people have been following them.
During the night while everyone is asleep and Rick's on watch, Dale wanders into the woods and kidnapped.
Rick decides to postpone the search for Dale and head to Gabriel's church. Andrea is suspicious of Gabriel, because he showed up around the same time Dale went missing.
It is revealed that Dale is being held captive by a group led by a man named Chris, and they eat people. (Apparently, they are referred to as the Hunters.) They've already began eating his other "good" leg.
Dale is tickled by this situation because he wandered into the wood to die because he was bitten by a walker. He taunts the Hunters with this fact, and they are horrified. The Hunters decide to return Dale to his group as a message. A tactic to scare them and make them vulnerable.
While the group is carrying Dale inside, the Hunters shoot Glenn in the leg.
Rick, Michonne, Abe, Andrea, and Gabriel set off in search of the Hunters and they find them. Rick confronts the group alone, and Chris tells Rick how they became Hunters. They even ate the children in their original group.
Rick's group ends up disarming the Hunters and giving them a piece of their own medicine, minus the cannibalism. They chopped some body parts off and threw them into a fire.
The group returns to the church. Dale says his goodbyes and during the night Andrea "puts him down". Rick is really moved by Dale's death. He feels that Dale was strong because he held onto his humanity; whereas Rick is losing his. He compares his actions to the Hunters; unspeakable things they do to survive in their crazy world.
The book ends with the group preparing to move on from the church, and Carl confessing to Rick that he killed Ben.
Random Thoughts
I thought it was funny when Andrea said, "It's almost like Christmas..." when talking about finding the mattresses and Carl's reaction is, "Did we skip Christmas this year?"
What do you do with an obviously disturbed kid. I know the twin (forgot his name) is only a child, but how do you deal with this situation?!
Everyone is so mean and suspicious of Gabriel. I guess they find him to be foolish with his belief in God, especially after all that has happen. And of course they're weary of anyone they encounter.
The "new world" is really making a cold bad ass out of Carl.
It's really fucking weird that Eugene watches Abe and Rosita have sex. And what even creepier is that they know it and don't care! lol
When Maggie's is contemplating Sophia future, it's very enduring to see the struggles the character go through. Kirkman, the author, did a great job demonstrating these internal struggles.
At first I did not like Abe. . AT ALL! His character has grown on me. I love how pragmatic he is, even though he can take it too far, and how sarcastic his sense of humor is.
It's so funny how when the group is having a discussion and a random walker appears someone just says, "Michonne..." and she replies, "On it." It's so routine.
When Chris is introduce into the story he states that he's not crazy and it's important for people to know that. Pause. . . .lol that is NEVER a good sign.
Chris is very cocky, and he talks too much. He's VERY annoying.
Chris: "Well, mister the good news here is that you're not dead yet. That good, right? And please don't read too much into the word "YET" --- It'll just drive you crazy. There an order to how things work now, and it's unfortunate for some... The way things work... But my friends and I -- we didn't create this situation, we're just living with it. Just like you. We play the hand we're dealt. We don't want to hurt you. We didn't want to pull you away from your group -- scare you like this... These aren't things we want to do -- They're things we HAVE to do. So I promise you none of this is personal. . . But at the end of the day, no matter how much we may detest this ugly business... A man's gotta eat."
The volume starts off with Rick having a dream about life before The Zombie Apocalypse. It ends with him kissing Lori and her turning into a walker. (If you have kept up with the deleted scenes from Season 3 of the TV show, you will recognize this scene.) The dream ends with Lori eating Rick, and he feels he deserves the die.
Rick is continuing to talk to Lori over the phone. Even though, he knows he is hallucinating.
When getting supplies from an abandoned town, Eugene noticed one of the walker behaving abnormally. It's showed significant loss of strength compared to all the walkers they'd encountered.
Maggie is in the woods for a long time; so Glenn decided to check on her. He finds Maggie hanging from a tree, by her neck. There's a big debate on rather or not they should kill her now. Of course Glenn and Abe are the main ones arguing, until Rick steps in. Eventually, Maggie wakes up just before Abe puts a bullet between her eyes.
Abe threatens to kill Rick next he pulls a gun on him. Rick makes note of it and may decide to kill him next he has to pull a gun on Abe.
Apparently, Abe has killed a living human before. He confessed to Rosita that after his argument with Rick he has been tempted to kill him. He's full of rage.
Abe and Rosita have a "love connection".
Rick suggests they should make a trip back to his hometown for supplies at the locked police station. On the way they run into another group who tries to loot them. During the altercation on of the men try to rape Carl. This sends Rick into crazy mode and he bites a chunk out of a man's neck; and stabs the other to death.
During the supply run Abe tells Rick how he lost his family. After Abe found six men raped his wife and daughter; he basically tore them apart, literally, with his bare hands. This scared his family and they left him.
Rick, Carl, and Abe also run into Morgan during the supply run. Morgan's son, Duane, has become a walker. There is a parallel between the comic and TV show. On the show Morgan is struggling to let go of his wife - shoot her in the head. In the comic Morgan is struggling with the death of Duane. Rick tries to convince him to "let Duane rest" by shooting him in the head.
Morgan decides to join Rick's group. He also lied to Rick about shooting Duane in the head. He actually just freed Duane by shooting the chain held him captive.
On the way back to camp Rick, Carl, Abe, and Morgan literally run into a herd of walkers. While trying to plow through the walkers they hit another car head on, which propels Abe into to herd.
Dale is trying to convince Andrea to stay put and make a stationary camp. After the information Abe told them about the herds she is hesitant about Dales idea.
This volume ends with the whole group fleeing from the herd. It is obvious that Dale has a grudge against Rick and his decisions.
As much as an asshole Abe is, he makes a lot of sense. It seems harsh and mean but I would want him watching my back in this situation.
It seems that Maggie and Andrea switch roles in the comic, or TV show which ever way you view it. In the TV show Andrea is suicidal and wants to die at the CDC. In the comic Maggie attempts to hang herself.
Abe is so hilarious. In the same breath he compliments Rick and threatens to kill him.
I cannot wait until I start to see the real bad ass Rick in the TV show. I guess he took a hint from Michonne and doesn't mind biting people.
Morgan is definitely as crazy as he is portrayed in the TV show.
At first I was becoming irritated by Dale's stubborness; but now I'm realizing why he is that way. He's lost a leg and is an old man. He also made a good point, Rick seems to bring a lot of danger around to the group.
This volume begins with Michonne assessing the aftermath of the attack on prison. Then she leaves.
Rick and Carl are searching for shelter. When They find shelter Rick passes out, which freaks Carl out. He keeps it together and tries to find a way to help.
Carl has his first one one one encounter with walkers while Rick is passed out. Carl lures the walkers away from their safe house and kills them with his handgun.
The infamous phone incident happens when Rick and Carl are scavenging nearby houses. This time he doesn't seems so delusional, as if it could be real. Of course, the lady on the phone says her name is Lori.
Rick teaches Carl how to drive. (I guess because he only has one hand now.) Rick is preparing Carl to live in the world without him. He's taking off the kid gloves.
Michonne meets up with Rick and Carl while they are searching vehicles for supplies.
Rick is losing his confidence and mind. He is on edge, and questions every decision he makes.
Glenn and Maggie find Rick, Carl, and Michonne on the side of the road. They take Rick, Michonne, and Carl to Hershel's farm, where they've been living.
Rick has decided that he does not want to lead the group, or make any big decisions.
Michonne admits to Rick that she talks to her dead boyfriend.
It's way too hard to deal with the world they live in. Rick reveals that he's been talking to Lori on the phone, to Michonne. They bond over their craziness.
Abraham is introduced when he and his group come to the farm looking for supplies. He offers the group the chance to join them and return to D.C. where there is an organized camp.
Eugene claims to know what cause the zombie apocalypse.
It seems as if Abraham to be the new bad ass. He took out a whole wave of walkers by himself.
Abraham is trying to convince Rick's group that being stationary is very dangerous, and not as safe as they think it is.
Dale decided that it is best that they leave with Abe and his group; even if they don't go all the way to D.C.
Maggie is having a hard time coping with the lose of the rest of her family. She'd rather leave the farm because it's too painful to live in a place with so many memories.
Rick, Carl, and Michonne are becoming really close.
The volume ends with the group leaving the farm with Abe and Eugene to head toward Washington D.C.
I think this is the volume Carl starts to grow up faster.
Losing a parent will do that, plus. . . It's the Zombie Apocalypse.
Now I think something is weird about Rick talking on the phone.
The lady knew Carl's name and Rick never mentioned it.
It's official Rick's gone mad.
You can see The Group is become more and more cold the longer they survive in the post apocalyptic world.
Abraham is very abrasive. I understand he's on a "mission" to get to D.C. However he need to use honey instead vinegar to when favor with Rick's group.
I like that Dale is stepping up in a leadership role.
Abraham: "..The thing about smart mother fuckers is that sometimes, they sound like crazy mother fuckers to stupid mother fuckers. . . I hope you guys aren't a bunch of stupid mother fuckers.. . . because Eugene here sure as fuck ain't crazy."
Dale to Rick: "It sucks. Find a place strong enough and you have to worry about other people wanting it. Get a place that's not desired by other people -- and it's not strong enough."
This volume starts with The Governor and the events of the last volume from his perspective. It resumes at the scene where Michonne left him severely disfigured. It took him a week to regain full consciousness.
The Governor addresses the people of Woodbury, feeding complete bullshit. He found Martinez's body and decapitated his head to show the town "proof" of the threat Rick's group poses. He's trying to justify wanting to attack the prison. These people follow him so blindly, they believed everything he said.
The Governor is a sick man. His relationship with his daughter was already questionable at best, but now we know he actually kisses her from time to time.
While Rick's group was practicing shooting The Governor's men found them by following the tracks they left from the incident at Wal-Mart.
Instead of attacking the prison immediately, The Governor decides to wait about a month before they attack. He was Rick's group to let their guard down.
During the attack on the prison Andrea, Axel, and Rick are shot. All of them survived the actual attack. However, Rick lost a lot of blood and Alice is a bit worried.
The Governor's group wasn't trained to shoot well enough, which lead to them wasting a lot of ammo. Between that factor and Andrea and Glenn "sniping" from the guard towers, The Governor was forced to retreat.
While Andrea's recovering Dale suggests they leave the prison as soon as possible. He doesn't think the prison is safe or worth protecting.
Michonne convinces Tyreese they need to follow The Woodbury group and attack immediately. She believes this is the best time because they are weak and unsuspecting.
Dale, Andrea, The Twins, Sophia, Glenn, and Maggie leave the prison in the RV. Dale has made it clear that they will return when the danger subsides.
Tyreese was captured during the ambush. One of The Governor's men tells him he shot and killed Michonne. The Governor decides to return to the prison and use Tyreese as leverage. He demands the group to open the gates and surrender or he'll do awful things to Tyreese.
The group doesn't comply with The Governor's demands and he proceeds to chop Tyreese's head off. Then The Governor re-groups and attacks the prison again.
During the second attack Axel is shot in the head.
Andrea and Dale's group return and surprise The Governor with an attack from behind.
The Governor drives the tank through the prison gates and gains control of the confrontation. En route to the get away truck Billy and Patricia are shot and killed.
Lori was shot in the stomach on the way to the truck as well. She was carrying Judith which is assumed dead.
Hershel was shot at point blank range while grieving over Billy's body.
Lilly, one of the people from Woodbury, is very upset that she shot Lori and Judith. She turns on The Governor and feeds him to the walkers as a distraction so she and the others can flee.
The Volume ends with Rick and Carl escaping to the surrounding woods. Carl realizes Lori and Judith didn't make it and has an emotional hug with Rick.
I was confused on whether or not Michonne castrated The Governor, but from the what Bruce is saying it seems as if she did.
I couldn't put my finger on it, but now I know what it is. The Governor is a sociopath. His speech to convince the Woodbury people, along with other events, was just down right unbelievable disgusting.
Lol The Governor pulls out his daughter's teeth, because it's for the good of their relationship.
Last volume Rick told Lori that she and the kids are the only people he cares about. Everyone else is expendable. He would even kill one of the members of the group if he had to. This is why I am not surprised by his unwillingness to corporate with The Governor despite the leverage he has.
The Governor to his troops: "...When it begins, when the killing starts, don't let their appearance deceive you. You will see women--children even, but I assure you these people are beast, no different than the biters we kill without a second thought. Life out here-- It's changed them, twisted them into creatures who kill without a second thought--with no regard for human life. They don't deserve to live."
The volume starts off with a in depthflashback of Shane and Lori having sex. Lori obviously still feels guilty about what happen.
Life at the prison seems to become "normal".Maggie and Glenn have a wedding ceremony. Some of the group play basketball in the gym.
The group decides to look for The National Guard station to stock up on ammo, for preparation of an attack from Woodbury.
Lori finally admits to Rick that she slept with Shane. Rick already knew, he didn't want her to say it. However, he understands the reason why she did it.
The National Guard Station had a lot of valuable things: gas, ammo, and explosives. They also decide to blow the station so the people at Woodbury wouldn't be able to use it anymore. The group also make a stop at Wal-Mart before heading back to the prison.
While the group was gathering supplies at Wal-Mart a group from Woodbury catches them. Glenn is shot (he's wearing the riot gear), then Andrea shoots the leader. And with Michonne assisting with her sword they quickly gain control of the situation.
Lori goes into labor, and has a normal delivery. She names the baby Judith just as it is on the TV show.
While siphoning gas to fill the generator Dale is bitten by a walker. Billy panics and leaves him the the prison parking lot.
Luckily the group members that went on run for ammo come in time to get Dale into the infirmary to cut his leg off.
Alice has decided to start studying the walkers.
Carol is up to her usual antics. She seduces Billy because she absolutely need male attention.
Dale feels even more insecure about his relationship with Andrea since his leg was amputated. He worries about her looking for attention from the younger males in the group.
Carol is bitten by the walker Alice was using for research. How? Carol is soooo lonely that she decides she's gonna befriend the walker.
Andrea and Tyreese make Dale a peg leg.
Glenn and Maggie decide they want to try to have a baby.
The volume ends just when the group is getting comfortable The Governor and his people arrive at the prison with a tank and armed.
Random Thoughts
I think Dale is seriously considering leaving the group. He seems very unsettle about the possible attack on the prison.
Finally Rick stays behind. He's always the first to go on a mission. I understand it, but now that he's a bit disabled I think it's good that he chills out.
I thought it was funny that Axel comes out of the store, conveniently, after the group takes out the people from Woodbury.
Poor Alice had to deliver her first baby and amputate a leg in the same day.
I have really grown to like Andrea's character.
It's pretty obvious Carol wanted to die. Moments before she went to talk to the walker she asked Lori if she would look after Sophia if anything ever happened.
Doctor Stevens seems very empathetic and helpful to Rick.
The Governor offers Michonne a week of "rest", from her torture, if she fight in the "Fight Night". He instructs he not to kill her opponent and gives her sword back. (Big mistake.) Of course Michonne does the opposite and beheads the guy.
Surprisingly Martinez tries to help Rick escape -with Glenn's help. He feels guilty for Rick's hand being chopped off. The character in the TV show doesn't show much depth and seem to obey The Governor's ever order. Maybe in season 4 we might see some of the traits he has in the comic- being as The Governor massacred most of the town.
The group seems to have new additions. Alice asks Rick to take Dr. Stevens and herself with them. It seems as if Martinez will have to join due to his involvement with their escape.
Never get attached to any characters. During the Escape Dr. Stevens is bit by a walker. They'd barely made it over the wall before the biter attacked.
As in the TV series before the group retreats from Woodbury Michonne decides to pay The Governor a visit. This time he's already in his apartment with his daughter. They tussle and Michonne manages to get the advantage; then proceeds to torture him. (See photos)
When Rick, Glenn, Michonne, Alice, and Martinez return to the prison the gates are open and the yard is over ran with walkers.
It turns out that Martinez's intentions were to lead The Governor to the prison. Rick chased him down in the RV and choked him to death.
Glenn asks Hershel for Maggie's hand in marriage. And of course he proposes and she accepts.
Rick realizes how detached he's become and how comfortable he is with killing the living. He's starting to really embrace the changes he's made; even though it is completely opposite of the man he use to be.
The volume ends with the group coming to the realization that they may be facing an attack from Woodbury, and preparing for it.
Michonne is a bad ass. I can't get enough of her.
The Governor must be crazy if he truly thought Michonne was going to honor her agreement. He seems really baffled by the fact that she did not keep her word.
Michonne's a biter. . .LOL.
The Governor has yet to make the same impression he did in the TV show. I loved to hate the character in the show, but as of right now he's just a crazy bastard.
Damn, Michonne cut off the an arm, and 'popped' an eye out.
Michonne to The Governor: "You passed out a second time when I nailed your prick to the board you're on."
The comic is clarifying a lot of details that we did not get to see in the T.V. show. (I.e. how they got the riot gear. . .it was implied)
While siphoning gas Glenn and Rick spot a helicopter crashing. They, plus Michonne, take off to find it's crash site.
The group has much more downtime to make the prison "homey".
Ok, it is official Carol is CRAZY. So she has kissed both Lori and Rick during her times of "grief", now she's proposing marriage to them. SMH I just can't stand it!
The helicopter crash leads them suspect there are survivors in Woodbury.
The TV series incorporated "The Fight Night" scene. In the comic it is much more elaborate. It seems to take place in a high school football stadium. It is very Gladiator style.
The Governor has been a menace from the time he has been introduced to the story. He feeds people to the walkers for entertainment purposes. Enough said! He's also very very cocky.
OMG! The Governor is not a bluffer. When he says what he means. When trying to muscle information about the where-bouts of Rick's camp he chopped his hand off as an interrogation technique. Of course this did not sit well with Michonne, and she went into kick ass mode. She bit off one of the Governor's ears
Unfortunately, Rick Michonne and Glenn were not able to gain control of the situation. The Governor locks Glenn up, sends Rick to the town doctor to mend his hand, and he chains Michonne up and rapes her.
We're introduced to the Governor's walker-daughter. During this scene we learn the Governor has tried to eat humans.
The Governor continues to torture Michonne and tries to pump information from Glenn - who is basically having a mental break down at this point. (This scene reminded me of the TV show when Merle and The Governor held Maggie and Glenn hostage.)
The volume end with The Governor releasing Glenn, in hopes that he will lead them to the prison.
Random Thoughts:
It must really suck to be a kid in a zombie apocalypse. I can empathize with Carl's restlessness. He want's to be part of the group, be useful.
It was a bit funny when Michonne revealed to Rick she took her knife back. (The group confiscated it when she arrived because of the incident with Thomas.)
At first I was sad about the way the casted Carol in the TV show, but I think I've changed my mind. They properly met the quota of annoying young females. I'm glad Carol is a mature woman in the series.
The Governor is very up front about his intentions. He doesn't have a deceptive personality. He is the "mordern" day pirate.
I just love Michonne, she is a very loyal person. The way she had Rick's back when the Governor was very admirable.
Michonne has a tendency of talking to herself.
Carol is soooo freaking needy. Again she tries to make a pass at Lori during a time she's is suppose to be comforting a 'friend'.
Lori seems to be a one trick pony. She is always breaking down about being pregnant and Rick being the leader. She doesn't really support his decisions and instead of communicating with him effectively, she just bitches.
Rick to Dale: "Some day, old man, yer gonna have to learn that everyone is a complete dumb ass."
Rick: "Wait -- You're feeding them? What the hell are you feed them?" The Governor: "Well, stranger we're feeding them strangers."
The Governor to Rick, Michonne, and Glenn" "Can we just all come to the understanding that We've got all the guns - -and if you struggle or try to leave this room my guard will kill you where you stand.. . . . I don't care whether you live or die - - -don't misunderstand me I just don't want you to get accidentally shot while I'm trying to talk."
The Governor: "The thing you have to realize is that they're just us- - They're no different. They want what they want, they take what they want and after they get what they want - -They're only content for the briefest span of time. Then they want more."