The comic is clarifying a lot of details that we did not get to see in the T.V. show. (I.e. how they got the riot gear. . .it was implied)
While siphoning gas Glenn and Rick spot a helicopter crashing. They, plus Michonne, take off to find it's crash site.
The group has much more downtime to make the prison "homey".
Ok, it is official Carol is CRAZY. So she has kissed both Lori and Rick during her times of "grief", now she's proposing marriage to them. SMH I just can't stand it!
The helicopter crash leads them suspect there are survivors in Woodbury.
The TV series incorporated "The Fight Night" scene. In the comic it is much more elaborate. It seems to take place in a high school football stadium. It is very Gladiator style.
The Governor has been a menace from the time he has been introduced to the story. He feeds people to the walkers for entertainment purposes. Enough said! He's also very very cocky.
OMG! The Governor is not a bluffer. When he says what he means. When trying to muscle information about the where-bouts of Rick's camp he chopped his hand off as an interrogation technique. Of course this did not sit well with Michonne, and she went into kick ass mode. She bit off one of the Governor's ears
Unfortunately, Rick Michonne and Glenn were not able to gain control of the situation. The Governor locks Glenn up, sends Rick to the town doctor to mend his hand, and he chains Michonne up and rapes her.
We're introduced to the Governor's walker-daughter. During this scene we learn the Governor has tried to eat humans.
The Governor continues to torture Michonne and tries to pump information from Glenn - who is basically having a mental break down at this point. (This scene reminded me of the TV show when Merle and The Governor held Maggie and Glenn hostage.)
The volume end with The Governor releasing Glenn, in hopes that he will lead them to the prison.
Random Thoughts:
It must really suck to be a kid in a zombie apocalypse. I can empathize with Carl's restlessness. He want's to be part of the group, be useful.
It was a bit funny when Michonne revealed to Rick she took her knife back. (The group confiscated it when she arrived because of the incident with Thomas.)
At first I was sad about the way the casted Carol in the TV show, but I think I've changed my mind. They properly met the quota of annoying young females. I'm glad Carol is a mature woman in the series.
The Governor is very up front about his intentions. He doesn't have a deceptive personality. He is the "mordern" day pirate.
I just love Michonne, she is a very loyal person. The way she had Rick's back when the Governor was very admirable.
Michonne has a tendency of talking to herself.
Carol is soooo freaking needy. Again she tries to make a pass at Lori during a time she's is suppose to be comforting a 'friend'.
Lori seems to be a one trick pony. She is always breaking down about being pregnant and Rick being the leader. She doesn't really support his decisions and instead of communicating with him effectively, she just bitches.
Rick to Dale: "Some day, old man, yer gonna have to learn that everyone is a complete dumb ass."
Rick: "Wait -- You're feeding them? What the hell are you feed them?" The Governor: "Well, stranger we're feeding them strangers."
The Governor to Rick, Michonne, and Glenn" "Can we just all come to the understanding that We've got all the guns - -and if you struggle or try to leave this room my guard will kill you where you stand.. . . . I don't care whether you live or die - - -don't misunderstand me I just don't want you to get accidentally shot while I'm trying to talk."
The Governor: "The thing you have to realize is that they're just us- - They're no different. They want what they want, they take what they want and after they get what they want - -They're only content for the briefest span of time. Then they want more."
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